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Growth Bonus 2.0

We’ve got some great news! This year, we’ll once again be living by the motto: Always a step ahead!  

From 1 February 2023 we’ll be using a new logic – both in terms of qualifying for the growth bonus and for the amount of percentage-based remuneration.  

What is the growth bonus exactly?

From Target 6, Partners are rewarded for their ongoing team-building with an additional bonus commission: the growth bonus.  

It is a further form of remuneration for all those Partners who place particular emphasis on growing their teams.  

Calculation of growth bonus 2.0

The growth bonus is calculated on a percentage basis of your total TT (team turnover).  

The following percentages are used, based on the Target level reached: 

When you achieve Target 6, the TT from Team Partners in your downline is used to calculate your growth bonus. You receive the difference between your growth bonus and that of your Team Partners’, irrespective of whether they have qualified for the bonus themselves.

Qualification for the growth bonus 2.0

The requirement for obtaining the growth bonus is a NPV-2 (3G) of at least 3,500 and Target 6 or 7, or an NPV-3 (3G) of at least 3,500 and Target 8–10.


The NPV-2 (3G) is the sum of your own NPV plus the NPV of your Team Partners, less your two strongest teams. The first three generations are then used for the calculation.  

The NPV-3 (3G) is the sum of your own NPV plus the NPV of your Team Partners, less your three strongest teams. The first three generations are then used for the calculation.  

Sample calculation: NPV-2 (3G) 1,000 (your own NPV) + 7,000 (Teams A+C) = 8,000. Teams B & D are not included for calculating the NPV-2 (3G).  

Sample calculation: NPV-3 (3G) 1,000 (your own NPV) + 2,000 (Team A) = 3,000. Teams B, C & D are not included for calculating the NPV-3 (3G). 

“This provision applies both to RINGANA Partners to whom the RINGANA business papers valid for new Partners until 30.06.2022 apply, as well as to all Partners covered by the provision as per the RINGANA business papers from 01.07.2022”

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